Copley Primary School



Our children need to develop a passion and skill for writing, in which they feel comfortable in experimenting with different styles and formats.  From the Foundation Stage, all children’s attempts at writing, including emergent writing, are valued and built upon, so that children appreciate the importance of their writing in conveying meaning to the reader.

In KS1 and KS2 SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) is taught both discretely and as an embedded part of English lessons. Across the wider curriculum, children are encouraged to use the skills they are learning in all writing. These skills include using interesting and ambitious vocabulary, a wide range of conjunctions and thinking of interesting ways to open sentences. 


When writing, we ask our children to think carefully about Audience and Purpose. Teachers plan writing lessons based around different purposes and their audiences. 


Our writing overviews show how we teach Audience and Purpose through high quality texts, weaving in our SPAG (spelling and grammar objectives) to help children apply them in context. 


Please go to Statutory Information -> Curriculum -> English Overview 

for curriculum documents and policies.