Copley Primary School

Our Federation Governance

Copley Primary School  is part of a Federation working in partnership with New Road Primary School, therefore our Federation has a single Governing Body overseeing the work of both schools.

The Governing Body has a variety of duties and responsibilities set out by law. The Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, this is the job of the Headteacher and the Senior Management Team.

The areas of work that the Governors are involved in include the school's development and improvement plans, review of policies, monitoring of results and budget spending. 

The Governors at New Road and Copley Federation work alongside the Headteacher and SLT team to provide an environment that provides the best possible education, care and support for all the children in both schools.

See below for the list of all our Governors with their area of responsibility within the Federation.


The Chair of Governors can be contacted via email at-



Federation Governance Structure & Meetings  


Copley & New Road Federation governance is organised as a Full Governing Body (FGB) which meets 4-5 times a year. In addition to FGB meetings, we have 2 sub-committees that each meet 2-3 times a year. The sub-committees each focus on a particular aspect of school and report back to the Full Governing Body.


Our Federation committees are:

 Standards & Effectiveness

Resources & Finance


Members for each sub-committee are elected annually each year, including a committee chair. A summary of key information and findings from each committee meeting held is reported (usually verbally) by the Committee Chair at the following FGB meeting.



Chair of Governors: 

John Frank

Date of appointment: 27/9/23

''I have been on the Governing body for about 6 years.  I was previously the Vice Chair and am really pleased to now be appointed as the Chair.  During my time as part of the Governing Body, I have really enjoyed learning about and supporting the strategy for the two schools in our Federation, which is our main role.  However, I would say one of the best parts of the role is being able to spend some time in school and see the children and teachers in action."


Vice Chair:

Phill Gee

Date of appointment: 27/9/23

"I'm a New Road parent who wanted to try to help further by being a school governor. I work in I.T. by trade but I also coach an under 9s football team for Ryburn United so I get to meet all sorts of people and I enjoy being busy! It's a great honour to be vice-chair to John and I'm looking forward to continuing the good work we've all been doing."


Staff Governors :

Mrs Harwood - Headteacher New Road/Executive Headteacher

Mrs Hemingway - Headteacher Copley

Mrs Bolton - Class Teacher New Road


Parent Governor:

Mathew Benson

Date of appointment: 19/10/21


Local Authority:

Gareth Morris

Date of appointment: 1/6/22

Responsibility area; Health and Safety



Gillian Bush - Date of appointment: 1/9/18. Responsibility areas: SEND/Inclusion, Safeguarding


Alex Mutch- Date of appointment: 1/9/19. Responsibility areas: HT Performance Management, Sports Premium

Ian Potts- Date of appointment: 7/11/17. Responsibility areas: Pupil Premium


Chris Bouckley- Date of appointment: 26/9/23


Lisa Williams- Date of appointment: 26/9/23. Responsibility areas: SEND/Inclusion, Safeguarding


Clerk to Governors:

Helen Kay

Date of appointment: 1/9/16