Copley Primary School

Religious Education

Copley Primary School R.E. curriculum recognises the importance of developing our pupils as individuals. This enables them to grow up to be responsible citizens. It develops their values, behaviours and knowledge and understanding of religions and beliefs.
Copley Primary School follows Believing and Belonging: The Local Agreed Syllabus for RE. Every R.E unit has an overarching enquiry question. The aims of RE in our school reflect the three aims of the syllabus for pupils:
A. Investigate the beliefs and practices of religions and worldviews
B. Investigate how religions and worldviews address questions of meaning, purpose & value
C. Investigate how religions and worldviews influence morality, identity and diversity.
Early Years Foundation Stage: pupils encounter religions and worldviews through special people, books, times, places, and objects and by visiting places of worship. Most RE is integrated within the Reception curriculum


Over the course of their time in school, each child will visit places of worship for the major world religions.
RE also recognises that there is wide diversity within faiths and in our local community. Pupils learn about other faiths and world views. These are linked to local needs and circumstances.
At KS1 and KS2, RE is timetabled as a discrete weekly lesson. To ensure all pupils cover the full range of learning within the RE curriculum, there is a two year ‘rolling programme’.
RE links to PSHE education. Together, they develop well rounded children who will become responsible citizens. The RE curriculum makes a key contribution to pupils’ personal development. It provides opportunities for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.