Copley Primary School


At Copley Primary School our Science curriculum inspires a curiosity in children and develops a sense of excitement and curiosity about the natural world. Children are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. It focuses on the three fundamental scientific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics, giving pupils a rounded understanding to appreciate and enquire about the world around them.

Working scientifically is essential, these skills are embedded throughout each unit so that in addition to the core knowledge and vocabulary, children develop skills of observation, investigation, fair testing, classification and data handling.

At Copley Primary School, every Science unit is framed around the National Curriculum programmes of study for each Year group. This explicitly sets out progressive learning objectives, enquiry questions, key vocabulary, working scientifically skills and expectations. The structure enables children to broaden their scientific knowledge, and enquiry skills are developed with increasing depth and challenge as children move through the year groups. The sequence of lessons helps to embed scientific knowledge and skills, with each lesson building on previous learning. There is also the opportunity to regularly review and evaluate children’s understanding through the use of Ogden Trust and Bath and Spa assessments at the end of each unit of work.


Our curriculum overviews for each year group detail the National Curriculum objectives, Working Scientifically objectives, key vocabulary, sticky knowledge and prior and future learning links. We have worked carefully to sequence this progression so that our children know more and remember more.


Science Curriculum EYFS

Science Curriculum Year 1 and 2 Cycle A

Science Curriculum Year 1 and 2 Cycle B

Science Curriculum Year 3 and 4 Cycle A

Science Curriculum Year 3 and 4 Cycle B

Science Curriculum Year 5

Science Curriculum Year 6


Science Newsletter


Catch up on the latest Science news here at Copley! You can find out what has been going on in each class and even try an experiment at home!



 Copley Science Newsletter - Autumn 2023.pdfDownload
 Copley Science Newsletter - Spring 2024 complete.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Rolling Programme

Due to our wonderful school growing each year until 2024, we will have mixed age classes in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 from September 2022.

We have planned our Science curriculum carefully so that skills and understanding are progressive.

Have a look at our rolling programme of coverage that has been mapped out for the next few years by clicking here.

2022-23 will see a mixed Year 3/4 class and 2024-25 will see a mixed year 5/6 class.