How is maths taught?
The structure of our maths lessons is quite unique at Copley! We follow an approach taken from Shanghai that allows for 'Same-day Intervention' (SDI) to take place during the maths lesson. Our first maths lesson is at 9.00 - 9.40am followed by a 20 minute whole school assembly. During this time slot, children who need extra support take part in intervention groups led by the class teacher. This high quality, immediate intervention allows for children to 'keep up' rather than 'catch up'. Our second maths lesson is then held from 10.00 - 10.30am. We feel the structure of our maths lessons allows for all children to make progress and develop a love of maths!
We follow the White Rose Maths small steps to inform our lesson planning. We supplement these with documents from the NCETM.
Click on your child's class page link to see their curriculum overview for the year:
Name | |
akroydon-yearly-overview-2022-year-3-.pdf | Download |
akroydon-yearly-overview-2022-year-4-.pdf | Download |
calder-yearly-overview-2022-year-4-.pdf | Download |
greenpark-yearly-overview-2022-year-1-.pdf | Download |
greenpark-yearly-overview-2022-year-2-.pdf | Download |
kings-lea-yearly-overview-2022-year-1-.pdf | Download |
lydbrook-yearly-overview-2022-year-5-.pdf | Download |
riverwood-yearly-overview-2022-year-2-.pdf | Download |
springwoodd-yearly-overview-2022-year-3-.pdf | Download |
woodhouse-yearly-overview-2022-year-6-.pdf | Download |
White Rose Maths small steps and National Curriculum Progression:
Calculation Policy:
Mathematical Progression across year groups
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Mathematical Vocabulary Progression across year groups
At Copley Primary school, we aim for all of our children to become successful mathematicians. Maths is seen as a vital and integral part of our school curriculum. We want children to develop skills that will set them up with the correct skills for use in later life. We want our children to learn and develop a variety of strategies and concepts; both mental and written that will enable them to tackle a wide range of practical and investigative problems. Our children are encouraged to adopt and apply new vocabulary to explain their mathematical thinking.
Teaching for Mastery:
At Copley Primary school, we aim to encapsulate the five big ideas of Mastery, taken from the NCETM, in to our maths planning and progression. We also are lucky enough to work closely with the West Yorkshire Maths hub, having both a headteacher advocate and Mastery Specialist on the team at Copley.
See the Five big ideas of Mastery and a small description of each one underneath.
Mastering Number
Mastering Number is taught across Reception and KS1. Mastering Number is taught in quick burst sessions, usually at the end of the day. The Mastering Number project aims to secure good numbersense in all children across Reception and KS1. We hope, that by using this programme in school, children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and confidence and flexibility with number.
By the end of Key Stage 1, we would expect most children to be fluent in their addition and subtraction facts as seen below:
Times Tables
At Copley, we have a structured way of teaching times tables. Children in years 3 and 4 will have daily times table lessons. Children will learn facts in a progressive, structured way. They will complete a daily 'test' on their facts and mark them as a whole class, chanting each fact as they go. Each half term, all children in year 3 and 4 are assessed on their facts to enable us to support children who are identified as not making expected progress. The fact progression for each year group is available below:
Maths Policy: